Broken Friendship

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There comes a time when you realize that all of the friends that you chat to here and there… are completely lost to your life. When you no longer had money to chill with them or go out to eat or to the movies; when you finished school so had no reason to be in Roanoke anymore; started dating someone new, and they took up some of your time so they didn’t even bother to ask if you wanted to still hang out. I still wanted to be friends; I still wanted to have friends; Life happened. Now my best friends are a 5 year old, soon to be 3 year old, and a dog -.- I love my kids to death, but there is no talking to them at 2 in the morning about things I would have with my friends. I have become one of those people where the only friends I truly have are online (family does not count as friendship lol just for those who will read this and say hey we chill) Would I give up my life I have for a life with friends? No, but you shouldn’t have given up our friendship when I got a life =/ *end of rant that really wasn’t a rant but more of a life lesson and morality story* *I’m going to stop talking now*

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