September Harvest Moon: Eden, Goddess of the Reaping

September – Harvest Moon. The September Harvest Full Moon is associated with the second and largest harvest of the year heralding the equinox, Mabon, a time for thanksgiving. The seeds sown throughout summer are ready for picking. Traditionally, this is the harvest of apples, gourds, and pumpkins. Mythically, the God has filled the earth with his solar power and is waning quickly as the upcoming harvest comes to fruition in the belly of the Goddess. Spiritually, this is the time for us to reflect on what we have reaped through Eden, the Goddess of the Reaping. What have we gained and prospered from throughout the year? How can we do better for the harvest next year? How were finances and income and how can you increase your prosperity for next year? This esbat is a time for elaborate fall celebration including the autumn equinox.  Rituals are thanksgiving-oriented. 

Eden is a Hebraic Goddess most commonly referred to as Wisdom and referenced in deity form with the phrases Garden of Eden and Land of Eden. She is the embodiment of gnosis and her very name means to see/understand/know the pathway of life. Her womb, Sheol, was where the Garden was planted by Yahweh and her lands were that of Israel. She was the divine spark of life that was brought forth through creation alongside of Yahweh. She is often equated to Chokmah in Hebrew as well as representing the memra of Elohim. In Gnostic Texts, she would be called Sophia, the Greek term for Wisdom. Eden encourages you to weigh this year’s seeds sown and count your blessings as you reap an learn from the past year


Goddess: Eden

Colors: Brown, Yellow, Green

Element: Earth

Herbs: Wheat, Hazel

Oils: Gardenia

Trees: Hazel

Flowers/Plants: Lily

Stone: Peridot, Citrine

Psalm to Eden

O Great Divine Spirit Eden
This Harvest Moon Brings many jobs for you
 Revered by many as the Harvester of Souls 
The Goddess of the Reaper
Where souls return to cycle back through 
The gates of Sheol
Tonight we give thanks to you 
She who is the Wife of the Divine Father
The Divine Spark within us all 
The translator of insight and knowledge
 And the pneumatic essence from which we drink
Where the grand Garden was planted
And brought to fruition
Creation and wisdom
The seer of the pathway of life
 You surround each of us Blessing us with a gift to see
 To see a world beyond ours that is filled
With many great Gods and Goddesses
 And of all celestial beings that have been created 
So on this Harvest moon
 We shall preserve in our minds
 What your light has taught us this past year