Waning Moon- Devorah, Goddess of Balance and Judgement

Waning Moon– The waning moon is the phase of the moon when it releases from full moon to diminishing crescent. The waning moon is a time for banishing negativity, cleansing, hex breaking, curse breaking, and protection. Banishing is another form of healing. When you banish unwanted energies, you are healing yourself spiritually. During the waning gibbous phase, it is the energy of retribution. Disputes are settled and amends are made. The waning moon is a time for subconscious enlightenment and overcoming addicting habits and bad unwanted habits. During the third quarter phase of the waning moon, goals made during the gibbous are continued. However, where amends and disputes could not be made, cords are cut for relationships, friendships, and addictions are put to rest as well as bad or unwanted habits to prepare for the Dark Moon. This is the invitation to surrender ourselves spiritually. The Goddess for this moon is Devorah, Goddess of Balance and Judgement.

Devorah, anglicized as Deborah, was the only female judge, a prophetess, and messenger of the Divine in Christian mythology. She purged Israel from spiritual complacency and slavery under the Canaanites. Her name in Hebrew means bee. Bees were prevalent in mythology and their honey was sought after for its healing properties and power. The power of healing and banishing lies within Devorah’s grasp. Just as she purged the negativity of Israel, harness her power to purge your own spiritual negativity.


Goddess: Devorah

Colors: Black, Dark Purple, Navy Blue

Element: Shadow/Spirit

Herbs: Rosemary, cinnamon, Yarrow, Mugwort, Basil, Lavender

Oils: Cedarwood, Cypress, Palo Santo, Pine, Frankincense

Trees: Date Palm, Oak

Flowers/Plants: Blue Lotus, Rose, Poppy, Arum Lillies

Stone: Amethyst, Selenite, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Hematite

Things to do during a waning moon:

  • Releasing Spells
  • Banishing/Cleansing
  • Protection spells
  • Cord cutting ritual
  • Reiki
  • Dreamwork

Psalm to Devorah

Devorah, Goddess of Balance and Judgement
She who purges spiritual complacency 
Divine herald of message
Aid me tonight in the waning moon
Help me release
Help me banish
Help me cut
All of which is shrouding my spirit
Let habits fall away
And healing replace
Let people fall away
That no longer inspire me
Drive away all unwanted afflictions
All unwanted negativity
So the presence of darkness 
Can enclose me in a cocoon
As I prepare for rest and rejuvenation
Peace and stillness
And the secrets of the shadows
At the Dark Moon