Dark Moon- Jezebel, Goddess of Conviction

Dark Moon- Also known as the dead moon, this is the time when the last sliver of the crescent is visible and falls into darkness for a day and a half before the New Moon is reborn. The Dark Moon and New Moon coincide together culminating differing energies right before and right after. This is the last quarter crescent of the moon. Like death itself, the dark moon is a time for quiet and solitude as we prepare for the new moon’s awakening with new beginnings and fresh abundance. This is a time for self-care and final banishment of all unwanted negative energies. We are pulled to the deepest parts of ourselves during this phase as we reflect on our inner shadow. Shadow work is common during this phase of the moon for release. Cleansing of everything is usually done to rid unwanted energy. We attune psychically to this phase and its full of wisdom. Even though this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of renewal and transformation. The dark moon opens a door to the past. We connect with the collective unconscious, or Akashic records, during this time for insight. The dark side of the moon is the side we feel as if we can’t connect to because it is buried deep within our Shadow Self. The Goddess for this transition of the moon is Jezebel, Goddess of Conviction. We need to hold our convictions in the same way Jezebel did and not give into negative energies others throw our way.

Jezebel is a Crone Goddess of Hebraic literature. A Phoenician princess made Queen, Jezebel held conviction in her religious beliefs and refused to bow to the demands of the political players in the biblical narrative. Like a lot of women that are rebellious, outspoken, strong-willed, and independent, Jezebel was made into a harlot and witch for her idolatrous worship of Canaanite deities Baal and Asherah. No matter how much they pushed against her, she refused to give up her beliefs and submit to a patriarchal belief system. In A Hebraic point of view, she was evil. In a woman’s point of view, she decided to stand up for what she believed in much like Lilith.


Goddess: Jezebel

Colors: Black, Dark Purple, Navy Blue, Deep Red

Element: Shadow/Spirit

Herbs: Rosemary, rue, wormwood, black pepper, damiana, mugwort

Oils: Cedarwood, Cypress, Palo Santo, Pine, Frankincense

Trees: Hawthorn, Elder

Flowers/Plants: Blue Lotus, Rose, Poppy, Clary Sage

Stone: Amethyst, Selenite, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Hematite

Things to do during a dark moon:

  • Meditate
  • Releasing Spells
  • Banishing/Cleansing
  • Protection spells
  • Self care/self love spells
  • Divination and scrying
  • Shadow Work
  • Dark Workings
  • Make dark moon water for banishing and protection spells

Psalm to Jezebel

Jezebel, Goddess of Conviction
She who refused to bow to patriarchy
Refused to submit to male dominance
The rebellious one that worshipped 
How she wanted to worship
Without fear or complacency 
She who banished those
That tried to tear down her reign
She who brushed her hair
And cared for herself as a woman
While being degraded 
She who chose herself 
Over those that wanted her to choose their ways
Her power flows through
And no obstacle shall be too much
To overcome
As her embrace releases the shadow
Society has pushed down deep 
Through Jezebel
Freedom and integrity rise
Desire and will rise
While nothing is hidden within