Blue Moon- Eve, Goddess of Starfire

Blue Moon– Ever heard the expression “Once in a blue moon?” A blue moon is a celestial event where there are two full moons in the same month or 4 full moons in a season. It’s a rare event, not as rare as a black moon, but rare all the same and believed to possess double the powers of the full moon that month. Whatever month it falls in is the month’s powers that are amplified and made manifest. Some believe that it used for extra luck and manifest and the harnessed energies last until the next Blue Moon. There is also a belief that the Blue Moon holds the knowledge of the Crone, and therefore, all of the knowledge of the Triple Moon Goddess. It’s a liminal time and astral work or spirit work is easily accessible. The Goddess we reach out to on this night is Eve, the Goddess of Starfire that ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and was enlightened with the secrets of the Divine.

Eve is a Hebrew Goddess whose Hebraic name, Chavah, means life, mother of all. Eve was the first woman created in the Garden of Eden and that gives her a primordial existence. She is the ancient Crone that has seen paradise, mortality, and death. She has gained the wisdom of eternity, maidenhood, motherhood, and death. She is the mother of humanity, the first matriarchal ancestor, and the provider of Starfire. Starfire is the menstrual blood of the Goddess that has the life giving qualities bestowed in humankind. Eve was cursed with a menstrual cycle, the Starfire of humans. Through Eve, we connect to our Divine Mother of Creation.


Goddess: Eve

Colors: Light blue

Element: Earth

Herbs: Lavender, cornflower, chamomile

Oils: Blue Lotus, Mugwort, Poppy, Wormwood, Rose hips, Eyebright

Trees: Fig

Flowers/Plants: Blue Moon (Phlox divaricata) Morning Glories

Stone: Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli

Psalm to Eve

Eve, Goddess of Starfire
Mother of my mother
Ancestor of my ancestor
Creator of my creation
Flow through me like gnosis
From the Tree of Knowledge
Let your Starfire roil within my womb
Through to my chest
And exhale in flames of fiery breath
Like the Kundalini, the sacred Ki
Let your wisdom encase me
Shroud me
Move in me and through me
Depart to me your Crone essence
You that married life and kissed death
Awaken my soul
And enlighten my conscious
So that my higher self
And my inner shadow
Combine in a trio 
of understanding, 
and awareness
Free me from the chains that bind me
Mother of my mother
Ancestor of my ancestor
Goddess of Starfire
Goddess of Life
Goddess of Mortality