February Storm Moon: Brighid, Goddess of Eternal Flame

Winter seems to peak right around the beginning to middle of February gaining the name Storm Moon as many places are still in active winter weather. There is a scarcity of food for both human and animals alike from barren hardships. However, spring is just around the corner as the beginning of the month heralded the midpoint of winter during the Sabbat Imbolc and celebrates the nearing end of the cold season. The Fiery Goddess Brighid is honored twice this month in her essence of eternal mystic flames and wisdom that guards the hearth on the cold, wintery nights.

The Goddess Brighid is known for many things including the flame of Kildare, poetry, guardian of domesticated animals, keeper of wells, and many more things. She is also revered as a triple Goddess alongside of her sisters, both named Brighid. One thing she isn’t as well known for is her Gaelic association to serpents. Serpents represent rebirth and awakening since they shed their skin after they have achieved new growth. Brighid represents the shedding of the season of darkness and slumber and the rebirth of nature to come on the Sabbat Ostara. Not only does this represent the turning of the season, but it also reflects the inner spiritual rebirth of the practitioner. Just as nature goes through cycles during the changing of the seasons, humans do too. Brighid prepares of for the awakening to come during spring. Offerings of milk and berries as well as poetry are made in honor of this Celtic Goddess.


Goddess: Brighid

Colors: White, Violet, and Baby Blue

Element: Fire

Herbs: Hyssop, Sage, Myrhh

Oils: Lemongrass

Trees: Rowan, Cedar

Flowers/Plants: Primrose

Stone: Amethyst, Jasper, Quartz

Psalm to Brighid

Hail Brigid, Lady of Fire and Flame
Enchantress of cows and patroness of the fairy folk
Fountainhead of childbirth and the nursing milk that 
Nurtures and heals.
Much like the women of the Old Testament
She is associated with wells and the water of life
The essence of the womb and the universal
Symbol of the Goddess.

Brigid reassures me that
All that was once dead shall live again,
And with this new life, I shall prosper
If you ask, She can bring you inspiration
Planting the Seeds of Creativity

Dear Brigid, Lady Divine
As winter passes and spring returns
The snow melts away and the flowers bloom
Signaling the return of you and your grace
You are the Eternal Flame of love and wisdom, and
Your healing essence flows through me 
Like a clear spring with clarity and finesse

O Brigid, graceful one
Be with me now and all the days of my lives
Help me to understand and unleash my inner goddess
Through You, I shall be one with all goddesses