New Moon- Levanah, Goddess of New Beginnings

New Moon– The New Moon is a time for affirmations, new beginnings, and setting intentions to manifest. It’s a cosmic reset. The New Moon joins with the Dark Moon where they meet in the middle with intentions. Lasting a day and a half before the first sliver of the moon can be seen, the New Moon is a time for fresh stars and letting go of the past. Shadow work is also common during this phase. Aligning with the moon is always best during a New Moon phase. You get the fresh energies it has to offer and it helps set a new habit of using lunar energy. The new moon controls a lot of things. Tides are stronger during the new moon. Since our bodies are made primarily of water, you can feel the pull of the energy. So if you’re ready to dip your toes into lunar magick or if you are coming back after being out of practice for a while, now is the time to dive in! The Goddess chosen for this moon phase is Levanah, Goddess of New Beginnings.

Levanah is the Hebrew Goddess of the New Moon. Levanah means the white one or the moon, and the moon was always celebrated by the Hebrews at the start of their month, which coincides with the new moon. The Hebrews perform a ritual called the birkat halevana or more modernly the birkat hacodesh, the sanctification of the new moon, outside under the new moon using a blessing called the Kiddush Levanah that dates back to the Babylonian Talmud. Rabbi Yochanan says that one that greets and blesses the new moon is like greeting and blessing the Shekinah. According to the Talmud, any person that witnesses a celestial event is supposed to say a blessing because the celestial sky was put in place for us to witness its signs.


Goddess: Levanah

Colors: Silver, Purple, White

Element: Shadow/Spirit

Herbs: Blue lotus, Rosemary, Poppy, Clary Sage

Oils: Patchouli, Sweet Orange, Myrrh, Rose

Trees: Hawthorn, Elder

Flowers/Plants: Moonflower, Lemon balm, rosemary, sage

Stone: Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Hematite

Things to do during a new moon:

  • Create a manifestation vision board
  • Make a feng shui bowl
  • Cord cutting/letting go rituals
  • Manifestation rituals
  • Abundance checks
  • Affirmations

Psalm to Levanah

Levanah, Goddess of New Beginnings
Energies renewed
Blessings recounted
Rebirthed from darkness to light
Your presence envelops me
Dwell within me
Wrap me in chaos and stillness
Birth me in illumination and gnosis
Breathe into me transformation
Help me spread my wings
And grow as you grow
Shower me in abundance
And prosperity
Fill me with light and positivity
Wash over me like water
And baptize me in your essence