My poetry book made front page news!


I’m completely elated with the fact I landed front page news in my local newspaper here in Virginia. It came as a surprise as well because they never emailed me back letting me know they were running the press release. This is a big accomplishment for myself and very good boost in confidence of my career as a writer and poet. Celebrated with a bottle of wine and hubby bought me flowers

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Helping those in need is more important than the money


“When in need, a hand is all one needs.”

So I submitted my first press release to some local newspapers and Roanoke Times editor was one of them that picked up the release. I emailed them today speaking of the second book published and they are merging it with the first one. I can’t wait to see the release in the newspaper lol I’m thinking of ordering a bunch of copies of both of the poetry books and doing some book signings at the library in the town I grew up in. Also thinking of going to Barnes and Nobles in Roanoke, VA to do a signing. It just depends on my finances. If I bought the number of copies I want to buy and sell them all I would be happy lol.

As of right now I have both books up on separate facebook pages with their own show now buttons that take you directly to the createspace estore for easier access of purchase. Also up on my main author page.



New Image2

I strive everyday to help others in this world. Its not about making the money. If I sell books, it means I’m helping the ones who purchased the copy. Money doesn’t make my world go round, happiness of others do. I really hope my books can reach through to others  in their time of need. Instead of committing suicide, read one of my prose. Instead of crying your eyes out, read one of my songs and create your own tune in your head for it. This will get you through the days. I hope one day I can be recognized as a helper or as a guide for everyone in need.

Stay tuned for more information on the releases of these books and the more to come in the future!! Book three is rolling around in my head!

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Tomorrow is last day for free kindle ebook

I started a promotion a week ago and tomorrow is the last day for you to get your free copy of In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour on amazon kindle . Most people say, “Oh I don’t have a kindle so I can’t.” No this is entirely not true lol You can get a free reading app from amazon to read amazon kindle books. It was insane for them to name the tablet they created kindle because EVERYONE thinks you have to have one to read any of the ebooks. I have my free reading app downloaded to my Asus Tablet, My Asus laptop, and a phone! You can get your free copy of the reading app on amazon with this provided link Free Reading APP

Don’t miss out on your chance to get this free kindle ebook of my poetry (that was just released to the public through paperback “In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour”). Share it, review it, blog about it, do whatever you want to do with this information!! LOL but it ends tomorrow!!! So be fast!

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Sample poem from my poetry book

Deaf Ears

The field is empty and cold
I sit at your feet with my heart heavier than ever
I speak to you as the wind blows past my face
The cold air burning my face
Tears stream down
As I plead with you for an answer
An answer to everything that holds me back
Your response falls silent to my deaf ears
I desperately need to hear your voice
To hear your words of wisdom and truth
Your silent response echoes deep within my heart
The tears stream down as I beg with you
I need your answer to move on
I need your answer to continue on throughout life
I cannot look up from where I sit
I stare at the flowers I have brought you
A gift from my heart
O how you loved your flowers
The warm smell of beautiful notes
That fill the empty voids of space
I close my eyes and rock back and forth
Wanting to hear you say the words
Wanting to hear your voice
The voice of reason
The voice of love
But yet again the sound of your voice falls on my deaf ears
I wipe away the tears that have betrayed my mind
I promised to be strong
I promised to not cry
I promised that I would take each word to heart
But the words are silent
I stand from your feet and open my eyes
The light from the sun is blinding as it bounces from your reflective emanation
I reach out to touch your face
But I keep reaching on
I fall to my knees in despair
Grasping your flowers tight in my hands
Why won’t you listen to my pleading heart?
Why won’t you answer me back when I ask?
Why didn’t you stay with me forever?
Just as you promised you would
Why did you leave me torn into pieces?
I should be whole
I should be happy
But I’m not
You left me without letting me know why
I demand to know why!
But your answer still falls on my deaf ears.
I walk from your feet
To the reflecting light bouncing in my eyes
I walk closer to your heart
And I lay down your flowers right there
On the mound of dirt
In this freezing February air

Copyright Kasey Hill “In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour” June 7, 2015

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Poetry book published paperback!!

Well, I finally broke down and did a paperback publishing route to my poetry book “In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour.” You can buy your copy either on my estore or on amazon

For those of you wanting an autographed copy, message me and place your order through me, same price plus shipping as stated on the websites. I will order, autograph, and ship to you with no additional cost for autographs <3

Here is my formal Press Release!


Contact: Kasey Hill’s staff
Book Name: In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour
Company: Createspace
Email Address:
Web site address:


KASEY HILL has been writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for years. She finally took the initiative to have one of books of poetry published this year. Targeting those who suffer from SADD (Seasonal Affective Depressive Disorder) she pieced together a manuscript of spirituality, death, grief, loss, and even romance issues that tend to weigh down the minds of the sufferers.

Kasey’s poetry book, “In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour,” was written this past winter of 2015. As a sufferer of SADD, Mrs. Hill took the disorder with leaps and bounds, and decided to pen a poetry book to help those who suffer from the disorder. SADD affects millions each year, and suicide is a main concern among physicians for their depressed patients. After losing her mother in 2009, she kept all of her emotions bottled inside. This past winter she decided to free those emotions by scribing her first published book.

“My hope for the success of this book isn’t a material gain, but a gain in the loves of the readers as they see how this disorder can be overcome.”Kasey Hill

She strives every day to help those that suffer from the disorder to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it is marital problems, a loved one’s death at the back of their mind, or even failing beliefs in their “God” of choice, this poetry book takes those hurtles, and presents a way out of the darkness of the year.

For more information, contact Kasey Hill at (434) 259-0546 or visit her websites at:

Press Contact:
Contact Name: Kasey Hill
Company Name: Createspace
Phone Number: 434-259-0546

Company legal statement: In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour is not to be published without company knowledge.

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