Love Reincarnated- Chapter One excerpt

Love Reincarnated- Chapter One excerpt

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He used to stare at me for hours watching every move I made. How did I know? I always caught glimpses of him from the corner of my eye. It was comforting to me even though most would find it annoying or creepy. I had known Eric from the time I was a preschool child. He was a few years older than me, but it didn’t stop me from following him around like a puppy dog. My sister, Doreen, and he were…

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Love Reincarnated- Chapter One excerpt

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He used to stare at me for hours watching every move I made. How did I know? I always caught glimpses of him from the corner of my eye. It was comforting to me even though most would find it annoying or creepy. I had known Eric from the time I was a preschool child. He was a few years older than me, but it didn’t stop me from following him around like a puppy dog. My sister, Doreen, and he were just a few months apart, so naturally it came to the time for them to date. My prepubescent mind scrambled for a reason as to why he showed her the love and attention I craved. I licked my wounds as I listened to a Debbie Gibson album cover and cried away into my pillow.

I could never tell anyone my deep secret. Even if he had shown interest in me, I was too young to date anyway. My parents would never have gone for a thirteen-year-old seeing a ten-year-old. It sounds cute and all, but they were old fashioned. I trudged along behind my sister and him to the bus stop every morning and watched them walk hand in hand. I withdrew from their company keeping to myself and remaining quiet unless they directly spoke to me. I lost all interest in my favorite hobbies, and it got to the point that my parents began to question the sudden mood change. I was asked variants of questions as to how school was to if my friends were pushing me away. They tried to figure out my sudden disinterest in life, and could I tell them the truth? Hardly.

I waded through three years of torture from the two of them. I came home from school one day to find Doreen crying on the front porch. To my joy, Eric had dumped her; however, to my dismay, things never went back to the way they used to be. I was still invisible to him and my unsocial distraction of puberty had caused us as friends to grow apart. He was now in high school and I in my last year of middle school, which furthered the separation between us. I had hardly spoken to him in the three years he dated Doreen. I felt as if he had betrayed my heart, even though my feelings went unspoken to him.

My flourishing debut of high school came all too quickly. I had managed to make it through all the awkwardness of middle school to come out as a social butterfly in high school. Guys stopped me in the hall to talk to me just to get my attention. Even though the awkward body of the thirteen-year-old had disappeared, my awkward mind remained. So blushing, I would murmur some comment and return to my pace going to my next class. I seldom ran into Eric, and the times I did, he hardly paid me any attention at all. The only person I wanted the attention from was the one who ignored my sudden rise to popularity. It was his last year in high school and after that, I had no clue where he would go in life.

I remember one day while walking through the halls, I accidentally bumped into him as I wasn’t watching where I was walking. My books were knocked from my hands. I bent down to pick them up, and half-expected him to help. As I looked up he had already made his way down the hall from me leaving me to pick them up alone. How did the boy that had picked me up out of ditches while trying to learn to ride my bike turn into the boy who would just bump into people and leave them to clean up the mess alone?

I turned my attention from him to other boys that were my age and soon landed a date with one of the guys off the football team. I found it to be pure coincidence whenever Eric would show up at the burger joint we would go out to eat at, or when he would show up at the movie theater. The coincidences became more of frequencies and it became evident that he wasn’t just “showing up” at these places, but was really appearing anywhere I was out on a date. This was when I first noticed him watching me from a distance.

The times I had wished that I could talk to him through my eyes were not as far and few in between as I would have liked. I caught myself numerous times zoning out and my eyes straying to where he sat. The first few times I stared back at him, he looked away as if he had just looked in the general direction. The glances turned into brief eye contact moments, and then into staring in between the both of us. He never once said anything to me; he never made any gestures to me, and he never stopped following me.

Mid-freshman year, dad was laid off from work. The closest job he could take in the state was two counties away which meant we were uprooting to another location. I was irrevocably crushed by the entire situation. I could care less about leaving the school district. What tore my heart in two was leaving Eric. We started packing up the house immediately and dad put it up on the market. I had one month left in school and it felt like the hours ticked away faster than they should have.

As bittersweet moments tend to happen more often than not in my life, Eric came to the house one day after school. Of course, I was the one to answer the door as I was the only one dragging my feet to pack and run away from home. I completely understood why we had to move; that didn’t mean I had to like the reason why or like the entire situation. As the knock sounded on the door, I bounded down the steps half-expecting more delivery men to carry our boxes to our new house.

I opened the door and standing there in the black hoodie I gave him two Christmases ago was Eric. He was as gorgeous as any other day with his satin black hair falling in his eyes. He had recently gotten his lip pierced and his parents allowed him a single tattoo on his neck. He looked like the ultimate bad boy when in reality, he was lead running back for the football team with a 4.0 GPA. My heart fluttered at seeing him there and quickly crashed as I realized he was more than likely there to see Doreen.

“Hey, Eric,” I said casually. “What brings you here today?” I leaned up against the door frame with my arms crossed hating that I used the line my dad always used with him. “You here to see Doreen?”

He pulled his hood from his head and shook out his hair smoothing it down. “Actually, I’m here to see you,” he replied.

That’s when my heart literally hit the floor. There was no way he was here to see me. I do NOT know what possessed me to get snarky with him, but it slipped out.


He leaned in real close and whispered in my ear, “If I told you, then I’d have to kill ya’” He leaned back smiling. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled back. “Come on. It’s about time you had a proper night out on the town.”

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Press Release


Contact: Kasey Hill’s staff
Book Name: Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults: Wicca and Witchcraft

Company: Createspace
Email Address:
Web site address:


KASEY HILL has been writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for years. She finally took the initiative to create a book specifically geared toward the youth of the craft, in specific, those interested in Trinitarian Wicca and plain witchery.

“Everywhere you turned online, you always found 18 or older on websites or even Facebook groups. It was time the youth were accepted for interaction in the craft”- Kasey Hill

Kasey’s magick book, “Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults: Wicca and Witchcraft,” was written this past Summer of 2014, and pushed for completion within a year span. Starting as a follower of Nancy Chandler in 2007, and after advancing in her own studies, Ms. Chandler took Kasey on as a personal student and coauthor later that year. They started penning the second book of the series and have been jumping hurtles to finish it. In the meantime, Kasey decided teenagers of our path needed a book to go to.

“My hope for the success of this book is that the wayward souls of the youth, teenagers, and those even up in the late 20’s find their way in the world of magick.”- Kasey Hill

For more information, contact Kasey Hill at (434) 259-0546 or visit her websites at:

Press Contact:
Contact Name: Kasey Hill
Company Name: Createspace
Phone Number: 434-259-0546

Company legal statement: In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour is not to be published without company knowledge.


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Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults formatted

I have available for ebook download the manuscript sent Llewellyn. I have it in epub format, mobi, and pdf. They are available for $8 and the pdf is great for those who to print it out for a Book of Shadows add in.

Email me at for your copy. It is up on along with its complimentary page

I’m “patiently” waiting for a response from Llewellyn and the anxiety is mounting as well as thenervousness. This is a big step forward for the tradition by extending its doors to Teenagers and opening the minds of young adults. I was a young adult (which in my meaning is 20-25 year old) when I began the path as a Trinitarian Wiccan and that was 8 years ago. =] It’s life changing and doesn’t have anything to really do with the bible or with Christianity as most think it does. The book Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition came out in 2003 and its just been hell for us on the path. We have been presenting videos to the public to explain the tradition so misinterpreted.

Christian Wicca was later renamed to the tradition it should have been called to begin with, Trinitarian Wicca. Nancy was taking baby steps in the beginning but has shed light on so many people changing their lives forever!

“Christian” was a descriptive adjectve for the chosen pantheon of deities used in our Wiccan tradition, just as Celtic Wicca. Other than Mesopaganism, termed to us by Isaac Bonewitz, we cannot come up with a term to better suit and sum up our blend of Goddsses and Gods from Hebrew/Gnostic/Caananite times. the term “Christian” doesn’literally mean we takescripture and incorporate it into out workings. It’s the only way to get across the pantheon such as Jesus and all of the chosen Goddesses. We are NOT taking the religious context but reclaiming the rightful Gods and Goddesses eradicated from the texts making it polytheistic as opposed to the monotheism it has become.

In Trinitarian Magick, the reader can choose whether Wicca is what is needed in their life or if its just a witchcraft walk. That decision is the one no teen gets to make when they read other teenage witch books because the focus is Wicca. I hope my book reaches the masses of teenagers lost in thought and religion and shows them there is more out there.

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Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults

I have been sinking a lot of my time into finishing this esoteric book and submitting it to Llewellyn for possible publication. It focuses around the Trinitarian Tradition of Wicca but also gives some basic witchcraft knowledge in case Wicca isn’t for the magickally inclined individual. I’m finishing up the esbats and sabbat correspondence information and then sending it through a nother round of edits and revision and submitting it. I figure I have another 2-4 weeks left on this project. If its not accepted, then self publishing it is, but I think this is necessary for those young Trinitarian Witches out there.

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The artowrk on this book was an original drawing I drew as a teenager. It’s one of the few artwork pieces I have left after all of my moves since 2009. I think its a wonderful depiction of the young goddess and the young solar god for our tradition. Stay tuned for submission and publication details!!!

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The Wastelands of Oz novel

Dorothy Gale, now an adult living back in Kansas, has contracted stomach cancer.  Her daughter Maryjane has, without Dorothy’s knowledge, taken trips to Oz and has gained knowledge of her witch powers from none other than Glinda, the good witch of the South. Though Maryjane is the most powerful magickal being in either world, she is unable to heal her mother, so she plans to return Dorothy to Oz so Glinda can heal her. However, Oz is now a wasteland controlled by a new more powerful evil, the Red Sorceress, who has taken the wizard’s place and is far worse than the wicked witch of the West. Glinda’s powers are no match for the Red Soceress, so Maryjane becomes Oz’s only saving grace . Maryjane and Dorothy find battle new monsters as they search Oz for Dorothy to meet her beloved trio of friendsone last time before the cancer takes her. Meanwhile, Maryjane’s long lost love Charlie, Glinda’s son and heir to the throne of Oz, appears but is no longer who he used to be. Now, battling not only the Red Sorceress but Charlie as well, Maryjane embarks on what is the most life changing sequence of events to happen in the life of a teenage girl.

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