Trinitarian Wicca breakdown


Many people are confused by our tradition called Trinitarian Wicca (from Nancy Chandler’s book Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition). I have tons of followers ask me to break down how we assimilate our path into Wicca and if the path is for them or not.

Trinitarian Wicca is Wicca foremost. The only difference between this tradition and other traditions is the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses we focus on throughout the year. Our pantheon consists of those from Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, and Canaanite times. Our focus of the God of the Wheel of the Year is that of the mythos that surround Jesus. Jesus can be seen as the Solar Lord of many other pantheons as an archetype. Alongside of Jesus we have our 13 Goddesses of the year.

January- Inanna

February- Brighid

March- Zoe

April- Barbelo

May- Shekinah

June- Mary Magdalene

July- Asherah

August- Guadalupe

September- Sophia

October- Lilith

November- Holy Spirit

December- Mother/Virgin Mary

The Blue Moon- Levannah

We combine this pantheon to achieve the Wiccan Wheel of the Year as each Goddess is in an aspect of the year that the Goddess of the Wheel of the Year falls through. Most do not see the close resemblance of the life of Jesus and his mother Mary. She births him, watches him grow into the young man he becomes, and watches him die and be reborn (just as the God of the Wheel of the Year does son, father, and sage).

In our follow up book to Christian Wicca, we have explained in detail how the Goddesses sync up to the year and create our Lunar path of the Tradition as well as explain much of what critics have came to us with low blows. The basic breakdown of our views is no different than that of other pagan pantheons or wiccan pantheons. We put the craft first and follow through with our chosen set of deities to worship. We do not use the Bible or anything referencing scripture. Those do not pertain to our beliefs at all. Our beliefs rest solely in the fundamentals of Wicca.

What does it matter that we want to name our Solar Lord Jesus whereas some have their God as Horus? People are too engrossed in a fundamentalist way of thinking as opposed to just opening their minds and embracing what we have to say. This tradition is a real tradition and works. There is no dogma we leave it at the door. There is no holy rollies, they hate us. What is the big deal? So we want to use an icon of religion as a mythological stand point as the Greeks and Egyptians did.

The point behind this is that every single one of the Goddesses we have chosen for our religion are no where found in the Holy Bible as a Goddess or most even mentioned. They were never venerated like should have been. We are now opening this back up for those who believe there was a Goddess alongside of God, and we named them for them. This tradition isn’t necessarily baby steps from Christianity. You have to be completely open to the ideals presented int his tradition and not just playing witch with a wand and Bible. Leave the Bible at the door. Its a book written by man for man to sway them into another cult of religion.

Religion is about finding your inner temple and exploring it, not finding a local temple and saying you praise God when on the inside you haven’t battled the correct demons. Jesus did not teach in churches, in synagogues, or temples but in open nature as we do. Jesus was not a Christian. In that simple statement, there is no oxymoronic use of his name in our traditions. We are not blending Christianity and Wicca. We are using an icon that Christians were forced into believing. Jesus is not Christianity; Jesus is open belief of finding within yourself the gnosis to receive enlightenment and knowledge. You don’t find those in church, but you find that in our tradition.

Let us show you the way.

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Press Release


Contact: Kasey Hill’s staff
Book Name: Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults: Wicca and Witchcraft

Company: Createspace
Email Address:
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KASEY HILL has been writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for years. She finally took the initiative to create a book specifically geared toward the youth of the craft, in specific, those interested in Trinitarian Wicca and plain witchery.

“Everywhere you turned online, you always found 18 or older on websites or even Facebook groups. It was time the youth were accepted for interaction in the craft”- Kasey Hill

Kasey’s magick book, “Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults: Wicca and Witchcraft,” was written this past Summer of 2014, and pushed for completion within a year span. Starting as a follower of Nancy Chandler in 2007, and after advancing in her own studies, Ms. Chandler took Kasey on as a personal student and coauthor later that year. They started penning the second book of the series and have been jumping hurtles to finish it. In the meantime, Kasey decided teenagers of our path needed a book to go to.

“My hope for the success of this book is that the wayward souls of the youth, teenagers, and those even up in the late 20’s find their way in the world of magick.”- Kasey Hill

For more information, contact Kasey Hill at (434) 259-0546 or visit her websites at:

Press Contact:
Contact Name: Kasey Hill
Company Name: Createspace
Phone Number: 434-259-0546

Company legal statement: In the Shadows of my Heart: Winter’s Darkest Hour is not to be published without company knowledge.


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Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults formatted

I have available for ebook download the manuscript sent Llewellyn. I have it in epub format, mobi, and pdf. They are available for $8 and the pdf is great for those who to print it out for a Book of Shadows add in.

Email me at for your copy. It is up on along with its complimentary page

I’m “patiently” waiting for a response from Llewellyn and the anxiety is mounting as well as thenervousness. This is a big step forward for the tradition by extending its doors to Teenagers and opening the minds of young adults. I was a young adult (which in my meaning is 20-25 year old) when I began the path as a Trinitarian Wiccan and that was 8 years ago. =] It’s life changing and doesn’t have anything to really do with the bible or with Christianity as most think it does. The book Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition came out in 2003 and its just been hell for us on the path. We have been presenting videos to the public to explain the tradition so misinterpreted.

Christian Wicca was later renamed to the tradition it should have been called to begin with, Trinitarian Wicca. Nancy was taking baby steps in the beginning but has shed light on so many people changing their lives forever!

“Christian” was a descriptive adjectve for the chosen pantheon of deities used in our Wiccan tradition, just as Celtic Wicca. Other than Mesopaganism, termed to us by Isaac Bonewitz, we cannot come up with a term to better suit and sum up our blend of Goddsses and Gods from Hebrew/Gnostic/Caananite times. the term “Christian” doesn’literally mean we takescripture and incorporate it into out workings. It’s the only way to get across the pantheon such as Jesus and all of the chosen Goddesses. We are NOT taking the religious context but reclaiming the rightful Gods and Goddesses eradicated from the texts making it polytheistic as opposed to the monotheism it has become.

In Trinitarian Magick, the reader can choose whether Wicca is what is needed in their life or if its just a witchcraft walk. That decision is the one no teen gets to make when they read other teenage witch books because the focus is Wicca. I hope my book reaches the masses of teenagers lost in thought and religion and shows them there is more out there.

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Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults

I have been sinking a lot of my time into finishing this esoteric book and submitting it to Llewellyn for possible publication. It focuses around the Trinitarian Tradition of Wicca but also gives some basic witchcraft knowledge in case Wicca isn’t for the magickally inclined individual. I’m finishing up the esbats and sabbat correspondence information and then sending it through a nother round of edits and revision and submitting it. I figure I have another 2-4 weeks left on this project. If its not accepted, then self publishing it is, but I think this is necessary for those young Trinitarian Witches out there.

Trinitarian Magick cove-480x745

The artowrk on this book was an original drawing I drew as a teenager. It’s one of the few artwork pieces I have left after all of my moves since 2009. I think its a wonderful depiction of the young goddess and the young solar god for our tradition. Stay tuned for submission and publication details!!!

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