Why a Big company?

Why a Big company?

While running across fans, and writers alike, I have been asked why I choose to want a big company as opposed to a small publishing company. My answer is simple. I live in rural Virginia. We have one main chain of bookstores here: Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble recently changed their book product policy as to what they carry in store. They no longer do POD (print on demand) books. Most small…

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Why a Big company?

While running across fans, and writers alike, I have been asked why I choose to want a big company as opposed to a small publishing company. My answer is simple. I live in rural Virginia. We have one main chain of bookstores here: Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble recently changed their book product policy as to what they carry in store. They no longer do POD (print on demand) books. Most small publishing companies are POD. Big companies are more on the side that the book makes it into the store and on the shelves. It’s a simple reason, and most would consider vain or conceited, but I want to be able to walk through a book store and find my book on a shelf.

The more well known the name of the company, the better it is that you won’t be duped like vanity publishers like to do. Don’t get me wrong, not all new companies are like that. I have started doing blogs on god companies to keep your eye on including new ones. It doesn’t take but like $500 for someone to start their own publishing company, but the money, effort, and time to invest in with authors is what costs in the end. This is where vanity publishers come in and try to get authors to pay for their things upfront. Basically what you could do yourself in self publishing for FREE they want you to pay for. This is a red flag!!

After my name gets out there from published material, I do plan on opening a publishing company. This will be for the indie writers and with a higher profit margin on their behalf. They should be able to make nearly as much money as if they self published themselves. WE will see one where everything goes in life =]

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