Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults formatted

I have available for ebook download the manuscript sent Llewellyn. I have it in epub format, mobi, and pdf. They are available for $8 and the pdf is great for those who to print it out for a Book of Shadows add in.

Email me at for your copy. It is up on along with its complimentary page

I’m “patiently” waiting for a response from Llewellyn and the anxiety is mounting as well as thenervousness. This is a big step forward for the tradition by extending its doors to Teenagers and opening the minds of young adults. I was a young adult (which in my meaning is 20-25 year old) when I began the path as a Trinitarian Wiccan and that was 8 years ago. =] It’s life changing and doesn’t have anything to really do with the bible or with Christianity as most think it does. The book Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition came out in 2003 and its just been hell for us on the path. We have been presenting videos to the public to explain the tradition so misinterpreted.

Christian Wicca was later renamed to the tradition it should have been called to begin with, Trinitarian Wicca. Nancy was taking baby steps in the beginning but has shed light on so many people changing their lives forever!

“Christian” was a descriptive adjectve for the chosen pantheon of deities used in our Wiccan tradition, just as Celtic Wicca. Other than Mesopaganism, termed to us by Isaac Bonewitz, we cannot come up with a term to better suit and sum up our blend of Goddsses and Gods from Hebrew/Gnostic/Caananite times. the term “Christian” doesn’literally mean we takescripture and incorporate it into out workings. It’s the only way to get across the pantheon such as Jesus and all of the chosen Goddesses. We are NOT taking the religious context but reclaiming the rightful Gods and Goddesses eradicated from the texts making it polytheistic as opposed to the monotheism it has become.

In Trinitarian Magick, the reader can choose whether Wicca is what is needed in their life or if its just a witchcraft walk. That decision is the one no teen gets to make when they read other teenage witch books because the focus is Wicca. I hope my book reaches the masses of teenagers lost in thought and religion and shows them there is more out there.

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Trinitarian Magick for Teenagers and Young Adults

I have been sinking a lot of my time into finishing this esoteric book and submitting it to Llewellyn for possible publication. It focuses around the Trinitarian Tradition of Wicca but also gives some basic witchcraft knowledge in case Wicca isn’t for the magickally inclined individual. I’m finishing up the esbats and sabbat correspondence information and then sending it through a nother round of edits and revision and submitting it. I figure I have another 2-4 weeks left on this project. If its not accepted, then self publishing it is, but I think this is necessary for those young Trinitarian Witches out there.

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The artowrk on this book was an original drawing I drew as a teenager. It’s one of the few artwork pieces I have left after all of my moves since 2009. I think its a wonderful depiction of the young goddess and the young solar god for our tradition. Stay tuned for submission and publication details!!!

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A piece of writing hit me…thoughts?

I’m not sure if I will expand on this but its a good little piece.

She traced her fingers across his chest as he gently kissed her neck. Moments like this is what she longed for everyday. The raw intimacy of passion tangled within the sheets. It wasn’t the sex that excited her but his magnetic touch and embrace. So long it had been since they were passionately in touch with each other. Keeping a spark alive in a relationship is one of the most difficult in married life. Jobs, children, and the occasional “How was your day,” was the montage of forced conversation and intermingling within the past five years.

Her body still vibrated from the intense moment of ecstasy shared between her and the man that lay beside her; the man who had became a ghost in her life. His separate personas kept her on her toes. She never knew if he was happy or dissatisfied in their life together until they share moments like these, even if they only existed once in a blue moon. Everyday she wondered what happened to us? We were so close and so in sync with each other when we first started the charades of love. Now, our intimate talks revolve around whether or not to carpool with the other parents on Fridays.

Life had taken a sharp turn in the road once she had the second baby. Of course the stress of the baby caused Mike to work longer hours to bring in a little more money to offset the changes, however, the best stress reliever is sex and lately even that was strained between the two of them. She often caught herself wondering if he was seeing someone on the side and if his “long hours at work” was just an excuse to find more hours in the day to work his secret life and his home life into the timeline.

He stirred beneath the weight of her laying on his chest and began to set up and stand from the bed. She glanced over at the clock. 4:30am. He headed to their personal bathroom and she could hear the water turn on and the razor go as he began his daily morning routine.

“Honey, are you getting ready for work?” she asked as she sat up in bed. The sheet she had draped around her fell to the bed and she perched herself on the bed awaiting his reply.

He glanced over at her, his eyes lingering a moment on her naked body.

“Well, I’m up and I don’t think there is no falling back to sleep. I thought I would head in a little early and maybe be able to get off early as well,” he said as he began to use his electronic razor and shave away the stubble from his face and neck.

She laid back down, slightly disappointed he didn’t want to spend more time in bed with her. The idea of him getting off early though sent goosebumps down her spine for he was rarely ever home before 8pm. He shut the bathroom door and she heard the shower turn on. She situated herself in bed to a position that was more comfortable when she heard an odd noise. She raised from her bed and looked to the bedside table where his phone laid. His phone’s screen was lit up and the odd noise was the vibrating coming from the silenced rings.

Who would be calling this late of the night, she wondered to herself? She reached over to answer his phone when she realized it was a text message that had came through. She glanced to the closed bathroom door and back to the phone. She bit her lip as she contemplated opening the message when another message rolled in. She decided whoever was texting this late was texting over an emergency and that weighed out her opening the message. She clicked the unlock screen on the phone and opened the message. Her world fell from beneath her feet.

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Editing and Revising Wastelands of Oz

I’m going through the first few chapters during my edit sessions for revisions and I can tell a tremendous difference in the writing from the first chapters and the latter ones. The first few chapters I longhanded and wasspending time transcribing them to my laptop. It was a week in between transcriptions and picking back up writing again. However, during transcription, I lost the original handwritten parts and had to recreate scenes from chapters already writte. Any author knows how hard and how big of a deal this is. The newer scenes were better and more in depth, however the first chapters already transcribed seemed…cheesy compared to the rest of the written work. So, I’m going through the first chapters revising scenes and making some rather necessary changes to the main character of my book, Maryjane. I’ve stuck to the idea she didn’t know her own powers and didn’t know hot to use them. She will know she has powers but not quite grasp the usage of them but grow with them.  I thnk this is a necessary change for character development especially with it being a “coming of age” passage.I’m also doing some modifications of the original characters and make it a more original piece than just fan fiction. I hope yall will enjoy my excerpts to come and enjoy the book once it is published. =]

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Facts about the Wizard of Oz most don’t know

It has been an extrememly long time since I had read the Oz books, so while editing last night I found some pdf’s and downloaded them to my tablet and read the first and main Oz story over again. My WIP Wastelands of Oz is based from the books not the movie so I wanted to be more acurate with everything. Warner Bros. really fucked everything in that book. First of all, I’m fairly certain that everyone knows that the ruby slippers in the movie were really silver. If not, sorry to burst your bubble but the book represented a presidential campaign in the 1800’s. The silver slippers represented the silver of the country and the yellow brick road represented the gold of the country. Another thing you didn’t relize if you have (or haven’t) read the book is that Glinda is NOT the good witch of the North but is actually the good witch ofthe South. The good witch of the North is the one that greets Dorothy in Munchkin Land but she is not Glinda, she actually has no name.

So needless to say, a few small details have to be rearranged but the one top copyright infringement piece that I have to rework in my novel is that Miss Gulch never existed in the book. She was created for the movie only SO I need a new angle and have to think hard on it. Hmmm decisions, decisions.


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The Dark Kiss Goodnight novel

When Grand Duchies of Moscow Andrei and Mikhail, died, they didn’t die completely, for they had been kissed by the lips of an Ubor and were granted immortality. Wars broke out throughout Russia from fear of what the leaders had become. So, Mikhail and Andrei went into a vampyric hibernation until the year 1693. A melodic voice awoke them from their slumber and their eyes befell a woman of pure beauty and disarray, Empress Anna, Tsar of St. Petersburg, Russia. With the arrival of their demonic demeanor into Russia again, wars broke out once more. The brothers were constantly battling over the hand of Anna, which only led to destruction of villages. The castle of Anna was being raided and at the last moments before the people of Russia would take her out for her death, Mikhail took Anna into his arms and granted her the same kiss he had been granted 500 years ago. The three made off like bandits into the fields of snow. Even though Mikhail had won Anna’s hand and heart, Andrei was not about to let his brother win completely. So, Mikhail and Anna stole off by themselves in the middle of the night leaving Andrei in his slumber. Now more than 300 years later, the couple are still thriving together. They have made human friends that know who and what they really are. They are living a happy, normal life. And then there’s Andrei again. However, as the days progress and the battles restart, one of the human friends they have looks familiar to him. Upon questioning, he realizes he had slaughtered her husband and children, sparing her because of her pregnancy. Even though she was human, and even though she hated him, the sparks flew between the two. The connection causes Andrei to doubt his immortality and battle the demon of turning his love or dying in the sun with her as she takes her last breath of mortal life.

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