The July Full Moon is called the Thunder Moon. During July comes the thunderstorms and rain and leads to the rise of summer in August. A shift in energy happens under this moon as the storms drum the energy of the Earth to the top and the waters influence the intentions of those around. Transformation and change are abound and continuing to sow seeds is encouraged to reap what you sow at harvest. It is the call to motivation and voice of confidence, direction, and luck. The Goddess associated to the Thunder Moon is Tehom, the Goddess of the Deep that transmuted and transformed the voided universe into a splash of colors and wonder.
Tehom is a Judaistic Goddess representing the abyss, primordial chaos, and the deep. In Mesopotamic mythologies, it is believed that the Goddess came before all other deities, meaning Tehom is the one of three original Creatrixes from which matter sprang forth along with the Spirit of Mercies, Sheol. She is the dark matter of the Universe encapsulating all within her boundaries. Where Sheol is the Womb of the Universe, Tehom is the amniotic fluid. She is primordial waters from which all birthed deities emanate and the Supreme All.
Goddess: Tehom
Colors: Silver, Blue-Gray
Element: Water
Herbs: Lemonbalm, Honeysuckle, Hyssop
Oils: Orris
Trees: Acacia, Ash
Flowers/Plants: Lotus, Water Lily
Stone: Pearl, Moonstone, White Agate
Psalm to Tehom
Tehom, Dark Mother of Change Primordial waters of the abyss Both deep and vast The amniotic fluid that encapsulates the universe Containing the spawned life Within the womb of Maveth The matter that vibrates and bonds Forming all wonders for the eyes to witness The Supreme Waters That was here before any other She who pushed forth life Through the churning bitter waters Full of starfire and chaos Exploding into particles of dust That float throughout the cosmos Tehom, Goddess of the Deep Tehom, Goddess of chaotic embrace Let your waters flow And create the river of life That feeds the Garden's springs