Tribute song to The Walking Dead

as we walk through the land of the dying
we lift our hearts and hope
we make it through the night
our faith is slowly dying
in the graves of restless souls
we are wandering
we are faltering
but what keeps us strong inside
the fear of being left behind

i lift my voice and sing
of the hope tomorrow brings
we carry on
we fight to live
we’re not dead
we’re the walking dead

i died long ago
when th light left her eyes
but i keep pushing on
with my babies by my side
we’re all dying
the moment we live
but what keeps us pushing strong
the hope of something more

i lift my voice and sing
of the hope tomorrow brings
we carry on
we fight to live
we’re not dead
we’re the walking dead
we’re not dead
we’re he walking dead
Kasey Hill 10/11/2015

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