What happens if I do not wake tomorrow
But lay in an eternal slumber?
Who’s eyes would fill with tears
That would fall to a bitter end?
Who would latch onto my arm
Yelling my name into my lifeless ears?
What happens if this eternal slumber
Was unknowing and fast
There was no time to say goodbyes
No time to heal the hurtful words of past
What happens when this eternal slumber
Breaks down your foundation of strength?
Your hands gently touch my face
And you fall to your knees
You heart shredding in pain
What happens when this eternal slumber
Breaks apart your blissful life
You no longer find happiness
You no longer laugh in the wind
What happens when this eternal slumber
Doesn’t move you from your spot
You stand there with no emotion
You stand there in no strife
What happens when this eternal slumber
Was just a test of you?
And with your actions you failed horribly
And have shown me what I must do